Improv Club with guest participant Jessie Montgomery

Sunday, August 11, 4:00 - CANCELLED

Sunday, August 18, 1:00 - JUST ADDED!

Sylvia has spent many years studying with renowned pedagogue Alice Kanack to learn about her innovative Creative Ability Development method of classical improvisation. Sylvia leads frequent gatherings of fellow students interested in collectively exploring their musical creativity. Players of any instrument, ages 7-17, are welcome to attend at Sylvia's condo in downtown Chicago. First-timers are always welcome, and there is no need to attend every session.

Sylvia also gives one-on-one private improv sessions over Zoom for those unable to attend Improv Club in person.

Please write to with any questions, or to be added to the Improv Club email list.


May parents stay? May parents leave?

Parents are welcome to attend or not attend as they choose.

What should I bring?

Just yourself and your instrument!

Do I need to play a string instrument?

Not at all! Players of any instrument are welcome, and we even have a 7-foot Steinway piano that can be shared.

May I bring a friend?

Absolutely! Anyone of any instrument ages 7-17 is welcome. We have one piano on which people can take turns.

How long do gatherings usually last?

Around 90 minutes.

Is there any cost?

No, but occasional sharable snacks are always welcome.

Do I have to be an advanced player?

Not at all. For string players, Suzuki Book 3 level and above will probably be able to participate most effectively.

Please write to with any additional questions, or to be added to the Improv Club email list.

You can watch some of Sylvia’s live musical improvisations here.